
Franz Josef Glacier

The access to Franz Josef Glacier is a short walk from the carpark and is much closer than the Fox Glacier viewpoint. Again due to global warming and the time of year it is up the valley. At one time, in the early 20th century, the Glacier was at the viewpoint.

Fox Glacier

To get to the viewpoint of the Fox Glacier is about a half hour uphill walk, the Glacier can be seen from there but due to global warming and the time of year ( autumn in NZ) it is in the distance. Photos to follow.

45th Parallel Walk

We overnighter on the 23th March at Lowburn Harbour on Lake Dunstan and walked the 45th Parallel walk. Someone can't spell Africa, and its upside down, but remember, we are in the Southern Hemisphere. 


Chinese Village. A number of Chinese came across during the gold rush at Arrowtown,  they were more successful that the Europeans as they were harder working and more diligent  they found gold when the Europeans had given up. The Village is made fro whatever material was available, the local schist stone and corrugated iron. They had a small store on site for provisions and the keeper was the local translator.

Kawarau suspension bridge

This is the Bridge that started the bungee jump craze and is still doing it today. The site now includes a zip wire as well

Milford Sound

We booked a boat trip around Milford Sound with Southern Discoveries for 2.30pm. We needed to be close by the night before and have plenty of petrol and provisions as ther is very little at the sound apart from parking and cruise docks. First we had to go through the Homer Tunnel, this closes at certain times during the day as it requires maintenance and it is only 1 way with traffic lights.  Fortunately our timing did not cause any problems.  Absolutely fantastic. 


The farthest southern point on South Island and the southern end of State Highway 1, the same road as the one we took from Reinga Point. We have driven the whole length 1403km. We have to go back almost the same again back to Aukland, but not via SH1. We had lunch at the Oyster Cove restaurant, very nice, but expensive, especially with the wine.