Milky Way Glow Worm Cave

2km up the dirt track road (there are quite of these in NZ) to the guided walk. Very good.
Glow worms are the larval form of the mould fly.
The fly lays its eggs, about 20 in a cluster, on the ceiling of a damp cave, preferably over running water. The larva from first egg to hatch eats its siblings to gain enough energy to drop strands of sticky silk from the ceiling and to start glowing. Any flying insects in the dark cave are attracted to the glow and get ensared in the silk strands and eaten. The larva eventually pupates and turns into the fly stage to mate and start all over again.
Fantastic to see when all the lights are turned out and your eyes adjust to the darkness. It does resemble the Milky Way. 
sideways picture, to edit.


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