Wellington day 2

The weather is awful high winds and heavy rain, we wondered if it was worth going to Wellington, but the alternative was to sit in the van all day, not much fun.
Off we set and we were both soaked by the time we got to the train station  a 6 minute walk away.
In Wellington the rain had eased and we wanted to shelter most of the way to Cuba Street where we expected to find bars and interesting shops, but we're confronted with "high end" shops and multinationals with the odd tattoo parlour thrown in. Even the bucket fountain wasn't working, very disappointing. 
The cable tram was not, a great ride to the top and lunch at the Cable Top cafe.
The cable tram museum was also good, telling the story from the original conception up to the current day.
On the way back we visited the Government building that, was the second largest building in the world. It is now a university, but you can still enter to see the original cabinet room and hanging staircases. 


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